Relax, Let Go, Trust & Surrender
Feels so weird sitting at my desk writing my first blog post.
If you are reading this, it means that you have landed on my website and you are checking out the little space I have created in this expansive internet universe. So let me start by saying WELCOME. I am so happy that you have stopped by and that you are reading my first attempt at a blog post.
This space has been a dream of mine, many years in the making. I have dreamt of this creative space in so many different ways over the years until it was revealed clearly to me back in 2020.
My intention for Kindred Rejuvenation Studio is for people to come and reconnect with themselves and to align with their mind, body, and soul to be able to live a purpose-driven heart-led life and make their journey back to a knowing that has been lost or set aside for whatever reason.
I chose to name my first blog. Relax, Let Go, Trust & Surrender because it seems fitting. I read those words in a book titled 33Codes, Blueprint for a New Earth by Abi Lamborn and they really stuck with me. If you have not heard of the book, do yourself a favour and pick up a copy. (it is only available online at this time and you will not be disappointed).
I have become a big believer that there are no such things as coincidences and that everything that we encounter serves as lessons or blessings or both. I have been on a soul discovery and ever-evolving back to myself since 2017. When I first started hearing soul whispers they were very quiet to begin with. I dismissed them as silly thoughts and continued on my existence not really paying attention to them. These whispers grew louder and louder until they could not be ignored. From that point onwards I have been on a journey towards living a life that is purpose-led and filled with gratitude, compassion, love, and joy.
Kindred (the label) came to me at the beginning of 2019 before the world changed forever. I realised that we are all connected and that there is so much more to this life journey than meets the eye. Everything that we encounter in this life has been strategically placed in our path for us. If we ignore the signs that we are given or the whispers from our guides, they will relentlessly continue getting in our way. If we could only realise sooner that these signs are there for us and to help us on our way, we would save ourselves a lot of heartache and pain.
The Universe, Source, God, Angels, Guides or however you identify with this higher power, continuously conspires to align us with what is for our highest good. Accepting this opens us up to being able to live a life lead by purpose, on purpose. A life so abundantly filled with amazing and magical experiences.
As human beings we sometimes think that we have it all figured out and that we know what is best for us, we try to control our own destiny and as a result we usually stray off course. Some of us will be lucky to get back on course but I wonder how many never make it back and continue to stray so far off course that they are lost for the rest of their days. I am saddened to think of how many have had this be outcome of their journey through life.
One of the biggest lessons that I continue learning is that surrendering control and allowing the universe to take over will be the best outcome to lead me to exactly where I am supposed to be and that I wont be selling myself short of the abundance that is available for me.
So in closing off my first blog (EVER!!!) I welcome you to this beautiful space of mine, if you have read this entire article you have been lead here for a reason so trust the process. I am excited to see ho this next chapter unfolds for you, for me and all the people that we encounter. We are all little pebbles thrown in a lake creating ripples that with every decision that we make will change the world in which we live. I am ready to be part of the change in this world for the better. Are you with me? If you are then just make the decision to Relax, Let Go, Trust & Surrender.
The time to embark in this new journey and launch this space I have been lead to create is now, it feels right. I am giddy with excitement and can feel my inner child so joyful that I am allowing her to roam free.
Once more, welcome to the Kindred Rejuvenation Family and until next time. stay true to you, watch for the signs and listen out for the soul whispers. Remember to Relax, Let Go, Trust & Surrender.
Lots of Love
Sindy from Sydney
aka @Soulful_hippie_ on Instagram